Club Events (Click on event for more details)

The week's events

  • Tuesday Pistol League (Training, Practice, & Match)

    Tuesday Pistol League (Training, Practice, & Match)

    September 20, 2022

    • Training & Practice starts at 4:30 PM
    • Match starts at 6:00 PM

    Bring a pistol, at least 60 rounds of ammo (for match), 2 mags, a staple gun, pen, and masking tape.

    If you never have been to the Tuesday night league, try to get there around 5 pm so you can introduce yourself to Ed Grove who runs this league and he can set you up with a partner.

    You will be shooting at 6 targets.

    • 2 targets will be slow fire, 10 rounds each target, 10 minutes per target.
    • 2 targets will be timed fire, 10 rounds each target, four  five shoot strings, 20 seconds per string.
    • 2 targets will be rapid fire, four five shot strings, 10 seconds per string.

    Both the timed and rapid fire strings are turning targets to make it interesting. We finish up the league at around 7:30 PM.   After the match (for those wishing to stay longer), we have pizza, deserts, drinks in the trap room in the Memorial building locate on the trap range.

    The AGC league is open to the general public. Costs $5 and targets are included.

  • Action Shotgun/Pistol Fun Shoot and Cookout

    Action Shotgun/Pistol Fun Shoot and Cookout

    September 24, 2022

    Garrison will be holding an action shotgun/pistol event on shooting Bays 4 and 5, and cookout on September 24th . We will set up a course of fire to simulate a home defense situation to allow shooters to get some practice with their shotguns that may be collecting dust. Bring out your tactical/riot shotguns or whatever you have! Shooters may also bring one guest of their choosing, and must monitor them at all times if they are not a club member/badge holder.

    Shooting will begin at 1pm, and we will shoot until everyone has had their fill of the course. After that, we will set up some fun targets like milk jugs/soda bottles to blast, so save any jugs or bottles (plastic only) you want to blow up.

    Shooters may shoot any type of shotgun shell at paper targets/bottles. We will also have a few steel targets set up, but they may only be fired upon with 7.5-9 bird shot, less than 1300 FPS velocity. You may also bring a pistol if you like, any pistols may be fired at paper, but steel targets must be .22-.45 cal, no magnum rounds.

    Food and beverages will also be served in Memorial hall in the Trap Room, we will have burgers, hot dogs and assorted sides.

    Please RSVP here if you plan on attending:

    Please direct any questions to

    This event is weather dependent, if there is an issue a notice will be sent out to those who RSVP'd.

    THE SECOND Amendment

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”